5 Popular Belly Dance Routines You Need to Learn

Belly dancing has been enjoyed in many cultures around the world, and today it is becoming increasingly popular in Singapore. Belly dancing is a great way to get involved in a fun, social and creative activity. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, you can enjoy the benefits of belly dancing in Singapore. Here are five popular belly dance routines you need to learn.

The Arabic Step 

The Arabic step is a classic belly dance move that requires you to move your legs in a circular motion. This move is a great way to improve your coordination and add some flair to your dance. Start by standing with your feet together to do this. Start to move your feet in a circular motion. Make sure to keep your upper body still as you move your feet. Add in arm movements for a more dramatic effect.


The shimmy is one of the most basic and important belly dance fitness moves. It involves shaking the entire body from side to side to create an interesting and dynamic rhythm. It is a great way to warm up, improve coordination, and develop a better sense of balance. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Engage your core muscles and move your hips from side to side. Keep your shoulders and chest still as you move your hips. Move your hips as fast (or as slow as you like) and add in arm movements for a more dramatic effect.

Hip Drop

The hip drop is a classic belly dance move that requires you to move your hip muscles in an up-and-down motion. It is a great way to strengthen and tone your lower body. Begin by standing in the same position as the shimmy to do the hip drop. Next, lower your hips down and up. Make sure to keep your upper body still as you move your hips. Add in arm and shoulder movements for a more dramatic effect.

Figure 8

Figure 8 is a popular belly dance move that requires you to move your hips in an 8-shaped pattern. It is a great way to improve your coordination and add some sass to your dance.

The Undulation

Undulation is a popular belly dance move that requires you to create a wave-like pattern with your body. It is a great way to improve your coordination and add some drama to your dance. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Move your hips and shoulders in a wave-like pattern. Make sure to keep your feet still as you move your body. Add in arm movements for a more dramatic effect.

There are plenty of belly dance studios and classes available in Singapore if you’re interested in taking your first steps in belly dancing. Visit Bellydance Haven for belly dance fitness classes!

Douglas J. Moses

Douglas J. Moses